Thursday, September 9, 2010


What is the link between faith and image. Image is the vision you get on your mind about what you want to be or to do. Faith is the effort, the confidence that one has in oneself to reach that goal.

We have many resources now. We can do so much with what we have. We have resources, faith and vision.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reflection after 11 tools

Wow, finally finished. Very challenging, exciting, intense, painful to learn, and very motivating. I wish I have done more. Please leave these steps accessible because there is so much to review, to reinforce and to learn. Some of the staff was foreign to me. What are the ones I am interested in? The ones that were very difficult. It is my fault. I tried to do it on my own. My friends were wiser, they attended the assitance inservices.

No doubt, education is evolving, and we need to evolve with it too and accept changes. What am I going to apply? everything. I am going to begin with the easy ones such as the ones in step 10, then I will move to the others. Hopefully, technology is also available to the kindergarten students. I am not talking about just computers, I am talking about the other gadgets that students need to be exposed as well as I. Thanks for this exciting trip. It was very exhausting, but very exciting. Uff, fewww, I am done. a webpage that is a great resource for teachers and for students. It offers suggestions on how to keep oneself safe and how to be a good digital citizen. This webpage, the 11th step, has many more resources that I could not access because maybe my computer does nto have enough capacity to enter. Who knows? They are great websites.

One of the projects suggested was to have older students teach younger ones to be safe. According to the writer, they take an active role in helping teach fasai internet safety to the youngest in their community. They have hands on classroom projects that reinforce saftty messages that they learned from clicky.

10th step Free applications

Do I like it? I love it! I visited Caramba Dictionnnary which offers more than videos, it also has tunes, math, graphs, alphabet in English, science and more. Besides it has good ratings.

Also, I visited ABC phonics that also has a wide variety of concepts in language arts and math. Kids son machine is perfect for ESL skills. For the girls, AH! Alphabeth tracing oncilla technologies. I wish they leave the tools open so we can go back and visit again and again. So challenging, intense and exciting. Not this step. This step was easy, but I like it because is so accessible, yet so great for learning. Thanks

9th tool Uses of Skype

Quoted from web page exposing ideas on the power of using Skype

Skype is like a field trip around the world. Communication with people, students, and relatives of any nation. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways.

Video conferences to exchange or share ideas students across the country and accross the world.

Video conferences shall help students improve their second language skill when they interact with other students whose language is their native language, English.

Video conferences should be also a direct interaction between book authors and students. Perhaps a direct connection with a politician. Interviews created by students to an important authority figure.

you have students conducting interviews or your class is interviewed, Skype facilitates the interview process. Individual students can interview other teachers or school staff, sending the Skype feed to the classroom for all to watch.
Guest lecturers.

Using Skype in the classroom can promote communities within a school or globally.

Connect special needs students. Students who may have to be out of the classroom due to special needs or IEP requirements don’t have to miss any special events in the classroom with Skype.

Connect with students who have fell ill or might suffered an accident and are temporarily unable to attend classes.
Connect with families from around the world. Form friendships that can easily bridge distance gaps with Skype.
Teachers and parents can benefit from Skype in the classroom, too. Share students’ work with parents. Let parents get a first-hand look at what their children are doing with Skype. Conference with parents. Whether a parent has to miss a regular conference or a concern comes up that requires speaking with a parent, Skype can provide an opportunity to connect with a parent that may not otherwise be available for a conference. Bring busy parents into the classroom. A busy parent who has knowledge to share with the classroom may be more likely to be able to make the time for a presentation if she or he can do so with Skype rather than having to leave work and come to the school.

Bring busy parents into the classroom. A busy parent who has knowledge to share with
the classroom may be more likely to be able to make the time for a presentation if she or he can do so with Skype rather than having to leave work and come to the school.

Professional development. Teachers can use Skype to access professional development opportunities, such as watching conference presentations.
Innovative teacher uses Skype and Wikis to involve parents. See how this teacher helped share information with parents using Skype and the PBS program, Growing Up Online.

Collaborate with other teachers. Who says Skype has to be fun just for the kids? With Skype, teachers can collaborate on ideas, projects, and more.
Share travel experiences. If you will be traveling during the school year, arrange for your substitute to connect with you via Skype and you can share the experience with your class.
Receive teaching feedback. Have an experienced or mentor teacher watch you teach via Skype and receive valuable feedback..Be available to students. If your school is suddenly closed for a while or if you want to set up conference hours for students, use Skype to allow students to contact yo

8th tool

My difficulty here is to transport a movie. Every time I get into a movie, I lose my post in the blog. I can access them by themselves, but when I export them, I lose my page.

Once I get the hang of it, I will use it. Definetly very useful to the class. Once is on the blog, is there for teachers to use it. To introduce concepts in any area or subject. Reinforcement of concepts and technology, no question about it, very, very powerful.

7th tool

This is a marvelous way to introduce and reinforce a concept. I was not able to download a movie since I can't remember the passwords from the library. The library web page is an amazing tool for those features that are required for this step. I will try again at a later date. To reinforce technology, we need user friendly websites that can offer easy access to movies. I went through the steps of importing and exporting pictures to no avail.

Quite frankly, I like this idea for a technology station. Kindergarten students might be able to create, but these features presented are too powerful for knidergarten students. I need to visit this website many, many times to become dexteric in this area.

six Wiki and Digital Story telling

Wiki can be used in the social studies area. For example, the Wants and the Needs list. It can be used in other content areas.

Digital story telling is a wonderful tool for telling stories. "One can create the story with features to express the feelings of the characters. Can express story and get what one wants the audience to feel." The students can create their own story and teachers can introduce a new concept. Digital explanation is a powerful tool to create, expose, and manifest individuality" Could not said it better myself. I love this feature.

5 learning process

Book marking has always been one of my favorite features. It is fast, effective, and accessible. If this feature is integrated into anybodys blog, it will provide amazing help to many us who are still in the learning process, which I think everybody is because of the life long learning process.

4th Keep on learning

You are not sure what people expect from you. Learn from others, who knows you might find out the AHA MOMENT! in others. The world cannot be carried by one person.

Shared wealth of knowledge

Create a rich fountain of knowledge among many brilliant minds. This will not only benefit educators, but it will help build academic strengths and life long skills, which means learn how to learn and apply it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tool #1

I found this an exciting experience. The more I read each of the learning steps the clearer it gets to follow through. This is a powerful tool that can be incorporated into each subject in the classroom. It is an open ended way to be creative.